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5 Traits that will make one a leader

Some people are born leaders. As a matter of fact, one does not need to hold a political or  managerial post before one can become a leader. There are certain traits one will have that will make people within the organization see one as a leader. Consequently, this article will focus on the 5 traits that will make others see one as a leader.

Generally speaking, some leaders are made, while others are born. And, When one possesses any of these 5 traits, people will see one as a leader regardless of one's role in the society.

So, before you read further I want to ask you this question. Do you want to be seen as a leader in your organization? If yes, read the 5 traits that will make others see you as a leader below.

#1 Listening Actively

Active listening is one of the traits that will make others see you as a leader. Most people think leading means speaking out, but they are wrong.

According to Elizabeth McLeod “If you focus your mindful listening, you can garner more opportunity without saying a word”

Mindful listening goes beyond keeping quiet and nodding. As a matter of fact, it involves focusing on what the person you are listening to is saying, understanding their body language while maintaining eye contact. Oh, it looks easy to you right? but only few people pay attention to this.

When you listen actively, you can sort and frame information, and when you finally speak, everyone will listen. This is because of the fact they know you have understood their point of view perfectly. Lastly, McLeod said ” If you want people to see you as an authority figure, stop talking, take a break and listen

#2 Making Your Meeting Count

The best time for your colleagues to see the stuff you are made of is during meeting. So, If you want others to see you as a leader, make every meeting count.

Therefore, be active in every meeting, prepare very well ahead of time. Read any pre-reads, listen actively through out the meeting, asking intelligent questions etc.

#3 Proactively Finding A Mentor

Developing your skill continuously is one of the traits that will make others see you as a leader. The easiest way to develop your skill is to find a mentor.

You can take your boss as a mentor, but if you don’t want to use him, start looking for someone else.

#4 Looking for root causes rather than quick solutions

When things go wrong in an organization, some people will always look for quick solutions which may eventually prove out to be temporary. However, if you want people around you to see you as a leader, always look for the root cause of any problem. Finding the root causes of any problem will make it possible for a long-lasting solution to the problem.

The first step to do this is to accept failure confidently. Once you accept failure, look for proactive ways of preventing it for happening again. Remember! No condition is permanent; Failure strengthens one and makes one stronger.

#5 Speaking the truth when things go wrong

When things go wrong, never cast a blame. Rather, speak the truth. And speaking the truth involves explaining what happened and strive towards fixing it.

People that cast blames are those that avoid responsibility, and this only distracts you from solving the problem.

So, these are the 5 traits that will make others see you as a leader. Apply them and tell the world your experience and testimony....

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