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What The 21st Century Woman Wants

For decades a woman's success was defined by her marriage and ability to reproduce {especially male children} and for years this was how a woman's achievement was measured, but over the years the female mindset is transforming from a simple housewife to that of a career woman.

 In recent times, she beg to differ from the expectations and roles that have been placed on her by the society to be a good woman, tolerate her partner's excesses, to endure marriage rather than enjoy it, produce a male child, be a loyal wife to an unfaithful husband, and be modest not talk back at her husband.

The contemporary woman seeks success in every aspect of her life, and refuse to settle for less therefore works hard to redefine herself in the society. When it comes to setting of goals and it's achievement she has no boundaries, and works hard to achieve a perfect balance between family life and career because she wants access to the most priceless things of life.

She wants equality, and desires to be treated with respect as a man. She wants her opinion heard and considered not overruled, and doesn't want to be considered  incapable of a task because of her gender

See: When to walk away from your relationship

See: Let your marriage bring out the best in your children

The 21st century woman loves her freedom and is willing to figure out her path and prefers to complete a task on her own. She likes being independent therefore doesn't ask or wait for help. she hates being a liability, and works hard to provide for herself. Crave freedom to try out new things without criticism.

The issue is the 21st century woman wants to be considered smart, and not associated with dumb actions or statement. She desires to be treated equal in the society given same right as the man, and not restricted from taking part in some task or activities because of her gender

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